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How to Shop Online and Get Your Amazon Packages Delivered to Cabarete

In the digital age, online shopping has revolutionized the way we shop, offering convenience, variety, and accessibility at our fingertips. For residents and visitors in Cabarete, the availability of online shopping opens up a world of possibilities. However, navigating international shipping and delivery can pose challenges. While the whole online shopping experience may differ significantly […]

A guide to the street food scene in Cabarete

Cabarete is a vibrant destination with a thriving street food scene. From grilled meat and seafood to fresh fruit smoothies and empanadas, there is something for every taste. Here is a guide to the street food scene in Cabarete: Grilled meat: Throughout Cabarete, you will find street vendors grilling up various meats, including chicken, pork, […]

Why to rent in Cabarete with L’Agence?

Why to rent in Cabarete with L’Agence?

According to the economy recovery plan proposed by the Dominican government, the opening of the airports and regular flights are expected in the Phase 4 at the beginning of July. This week we officially entered the Phase 2 including the further opening of businesses and interurban transportation. While waiting for the new normal to settle […]